The Mark Fertig Memorial Prize


During Homecoming, we unveiled our new graphic design studio. This all-in-one studio space allows for all aspects of the design process to happen in the same classroom – from early workshopping to print and production—no more asking if we are upstairs or downstairs! The space also simulates what life looks and feels like in an agency setting – bringing students one step closer to what awaits them after their time at Susquehanna. The best part of the new lab? It includes a graphic design library donated from Mark’s book collection. Don’t worry, though, the 202 lab is still up and running as well.

We’ve also launched a new SUGD site, thanks to  the amazing help of one Steve Semanchik ’08. Check it out here and make sure to send me job info and headshots to be included in the outcomes section!

This Fall we established the Mark Fertig Memorial Prize, in memory of our department’s founder, fearless leader and forever friend. The prize is intended to aid design students with the core expenses often incurred as they “launch themselves” and establish their careers. Mark was eternally grateful for those who helped him in his educational journey, so doing the same for future design students felt like an amazing way to honor his legacy. If you’d like to support the scholarship fund, you can do so here.

A big thanks to those of you who have already contributed to Mark’s fund, and thank you to all of you who continue to support our program and our students in so many meaningful ways.

Support The Mark Fertig Memorial Prize